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How Ocrolus Women #BreakTheBias

31 Mar 2022
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“Gender equality is a moral and a business imperative. But unconscious bias holds us back, and de-biasing people’s minds have proven to be difficult and expensive. By de-biasing organizations instead of individuals, we can make smart changes that have big impacts.”

Iris Bohnet, Harvard University

Unconscious gender bias remains a significant barrier to women’s career advancement. Whether deliberate or unconscious, bias often makes it difficult for women to move ahead.

It can be as small as making a woman explain more about why or how they are approaching a problem versus their male counterpart, where there is a level of trust already embedded.

Knowing that bias exists isn’t enough. There is a lot we can do to combat gender bias in the workplace, and we need to take action to level the playing field. 

The first step is to strive toward more female representation in your workplace. At Ocrolus, we are working towards our mission of having a workforce made up of 35% women.

Recently, Ocrolus appointed Head of Operations, Christina Favilla, to be its first female board member. 

Another critical step is to partner with organizations committed to women’s empowerment. Through its partnership with Kiva, in 2021 alone, Ocrolus supported 553 entrepreneurs (493 of which were female) across 41 countries. Ocrolus is also a sponsor of NYC Fintech Women, an organization of 10,000+ members that connects, promotes, and empowers women in fintech.

This women’s history month, we spotlight the remarkable women of Ocrolus as they provide insights around how to #BreaktheBias and offer wise words on confidence and creating an inclusive workplace.

Watch the video below to hear directly from Ocrolus women:

Eager to help #BreakTheBias and join forces with an incredible group of women and a company that’s transforming the future of fintech? View available roles here and apply to join the Ocrolus team.