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5 Steps for Future-Proofing Your Business & Ensuring Adaptability (Thank You, NEXT!)

27 Mar 2020
5 Steps to Future Proof Your Business Yourself copy

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused companies around the world to change the way that they do business and how they prepare for the long-term.

It would be detrimental to expect things to go back to business as usual. Whether we like it or not, these modern demands are not going anywhere.

There is no better time than now  to future-proof your business and yourself. In fact, our COO, Vikas Dua, recently wrote a blog post, In Volatile Markets, Scalability is Crucial to Lender Success,” because we are seeing first-hand the difference between those who are built to be agile and adaptable, and those who are not. While planning for the unpredictable is an oxymoron, it is the only way of truly future-proofing.


5 Steps to for Future-Proofing Yourself & Your Business:

1. Keep Learning:

Adopt a life philosophy focused on continual learning. There’s never been an easier time to learn with thousands of resources on any topic imaginable at your fingertips. Prioritize learning, so you’ll be ready to master any new skill that is thrown your way in an unpredictable world.

2. Manage Your Mind Set:

Fail forward and lead your teams accordingly. Define and establish your competitive advantage and focus your business goals around that advantage.

3. Disrupt & Innovate:

Be curious with question and define options to turn problems upside down. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

4. Elevate Others

Mentor and lift others. 2020 is the year for diversity of thought, inclusion of ideas, and multi-generational work. See things from different perspectives when you open yourself to helping others better themselves.

5. Network NOW:

Build, grow, and expand your network. Start NOW! You never know when someone you’ve made acquaintance with could help you out of a rut you’ve found yourself or your business in. Or better yet, become a mentor before you even land in a rut!

In the spirit of adaptability, Ocrolus’s own Melissa Hougie, Director of Marketing, and Sipho Simela, Head of Mortgage Strategy, recently had the opportunity to join the incredible team of NEXT alongside ~200 industry leaders for their third annual meet-up in Dallas, Texas.

NEXT is an amazing organization that prides itself on supporting women in mortgage and financial services by bringing people together, sharing thought leadership, and facilitating meaningful connections.

In this article, we shared some key takeaways from Julie Lane, a Financial Services Digital executive who is an expert in the “Future of Work” and the implications across the Mortgage industry. Julie’s recommendations are more relevant than ever as we ponder the future of work.

You can watch Julie’s 20-Minute Mentor session, sponsored by Freddie Mac, to hear her share even more thoughts around preparing and growing with evolving global changes. Thanks to Julie Lane and the wonderful women of NEXT for sharing their valuable time and insights!

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